Productivity and Lifestyle: Minimalism, Github, Rails 6 Beta Release and Quicktype

Pull up a chair, as James talks about his favourite productivity and lifestyle finds.

James’ Favourite Finds, January 2019


I stumbled upon Matt D’Avella last year. After watching his content for a few months, I decided to give minimalism a go. Originally, I thought minimalism was just a design term. I’ve digested enough advice from a bunch of minimalists to know that I was wrong.

Subscribing to minimalism means keeping things that add value to your life. Decluttering is often the byproduct of that lifestyle.

Subscribing to minimalism means keeping things that add value to your life. Decluttering is often the byproduct of that lifestyle. Which is why minimalism is often marred by labelling it as such based only on its side-effect.

My first foray into minimalism started with my phone. I set a goal to keep only 24 custom apps, which equates to a single page in iOS. This had a huge effect on me because it forced me to use the default iOS apps you get for free and completely drop all social media and a bunch of games. The methods I used in deciding which apps to keep became the methods I use when cleaning my room, tidying my wardrobe or out shopping.

I’ve saved money, focused more on my hobbies and recently started trying meditation apps.

I consider Matt a great entry point because you’ll learn a lot about human psychology and discover other minimalists that influence and inspire him from his videos and podcasts.

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Github Private Repos Are Now Free

Microsoft has slammed open the doors to private repositories for all to enjoy! Now you can finally push that project that’s been sitting on your hard-drive collecting dust and fear not the judgement of other developers.

It can be incredibly daunting to publish your code. I hope this change helps everyone take their first step to push their code and invite (up to 3 for free) collaborators at their own pace. Breaking down that wall of self-doubt and building one of confidence.

If you’re working on a Rails project, I’m here to help if you want to invite me @jamesoreillyms on GitHub.

If you’re working on a Rails project, I’m here to help if you want to invite me @jamesoreilly on GitHub.

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Handy Shortcuts for Github

While we’re on the topic of Github, here’s a list of things to remember if you use GitHub daily. This list, compiled by Darren Burns, helped me discover the Octotree browser extension for file trees and the `t` shortcut for a fuzzy search to navigate GitHub repos with only the keyboard. Timesavers!

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Rails 6 Beta Released

DHH posted release notes for version 6 beta 1 of our favourite server-side framework, Ruby on Rails. The highlights: Parallel testing. A new rich text editor "Trix" in the form of Action Text. Handle inbound email with mailbox controllers call Action Mailbox. Multiple database support.

GitHub, Basecamp and Shopify are already running Rails 6 beta 1 in production!

GitHub, Basecamp and Shopify are already running Rails 6 beta 1 in production! DHH is as confident than ever in saying "This isn’t some rickety-shack release" and I’m delighted to hear that. Everyone who worked on Rails 6 is giving new meaning to the word "beta".

Rails 6 final is still on track for its April release date. I can’t wait to spin up a new project and properly test all those shiny new components.

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Setting up a model or struct for mapping JSON responses can be a pain, especially for large services that have hundreds of fields.

Quicktype is a code generation tool. It came to my rescue recently when all I wanted was to quickly access a large JSON response using dot syntax in a Swift playground.

Quicktype is a code generation tool. It came to my rescue recently when all I wanted was to quickly access a large JSON response using dot syntax in a Swift playground. All I had to do, was go to their website and paste in a JSON response. It computed all the Struct’s properties complete with their types. Structs referenced other struct properties within them when the JSON was nested.

It supports a bunch of other languages, like Ruby, Kotlin, Crystal and Python to name a few. Check it out using the link below.

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