Helpful testing articles and tips for testing and device usage

This month, Michael Dixon, Lead QA Engineer, shares some of his favourite finds from the past few weeks.

 Helpful testing articles and tips for testing and device usage

Smartphone Usage

Smartphone use has increased so much over the years, but to be honest, I’m still surprised by these news reports about the percentage of people using smartphones and how often they’re looked at. An interesting point shows that people are using their phones more for banking, showing the need for better and easier to use banking apps.

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It’s not just about automation

Another article that I found interesting was this post about testers underrating themselves. Being a tester, we do tend to be a negative bunch as that is how we usually find bugs. We think about the worst thing that could happen. But this article highlights some of the beneficial things we do and the positive impact we have on teams without even realising it.

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Test Coaching

I have also been trying to become more of a test coach in my current role. It makes more sense to try and bring QA more into the development of the code itself, and when developers get on board with this process, it can be very rewarding for both the coach and the developers.

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The Pesticide Paradox

Testing can sometimes be a repetitive task, so it’s important that testers and QA’s do try and think outside the box. Otherwise it can lead to tests becoming less effective and failing to find bugs, otherwise known as the pesticide paradox.

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Lessons from a Security Breach

With cyber crime becoming more common, and hackers trying their best to gain access to users data, here is a post about some of the things that can be done to improve security for users and for companies themselves.

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