Design Thinking for your New Year Resolutions

Design Thinking is a key element at Marino's Design Workshops, where we empower businesses to develop successful products and services. To show you how effective this approach can be, we decided to apply it to a real-life problem: Setting - and sticking - to New Year Resolutions.

Design Thinking for your New Year Resolutions

Design Thinking is a key element at Marino's Design Workshops, where we empower businesses to develop successful products and services. To show you how effective this approach can be, we decided to apply it to a real-life problem: Setting - and sticking - to New Year Resolutions.

The result is a beautiful Bullet Journal we gifted to our clients so they can achieve their resolutions this year. We are thrilled they loved them so we would like to share it with you as well.

"We loved your gift, it was a total success in the office. Your new branding exudes confidence and professionalism"

How might we make your New Year's resolutions more effective?

2019 has brought lots of amazing news and opportunities for us. We revealed our new Brand Identity and our latest product: Telcogenie - an innovative digital self-care solution for telcos.

When we set out to define where we want to go in 2020, we wanted to make sure that that fresh feeling of drive and motivation would last us throughout the year. So we asked ourselves: How might we make setting up  New Year Resolutions a more effective process? 

Design Thinking guides every stage of fast & effective product development at Marino. Why not use this same, powerful process to set the course of the 12 months ahead of us?

A Design Thinking Approach to setting New Year Resolutions 

We prepared a Design Thinking inspired, step-by-step guide to defining, applying, testing and improving your New Year’s resolutions. 

This Design Thinking Exercise will help you:

"Thank you kindly for the Marino notebooks. They will certainly come in very handy for 2020."
"We just received the very nice Marino Journal. I am almost afraid to write in it, it’s very nice."

Design Thinking, as 6 steps to better Goal Planning

According to IDEO:

“Design thinking is an iterative process which seeks to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. The method is most useful when you want to tackle problems that are ill-defined or unknown. Design Thinking helps us in the process of questioning: questioning the problem, questioning the assumptions, and questioning the implications."

There are many variants of the Design Thinking phases. For the purpose of this exercise we have adapted these to 6 steps:

Step 1: Empathise

Gaining deep, thorough insights into the areas of your life you wish to improve or change.

Step 2: Define

Framing your insights into challenges and opportunities for change.

Step 3: Ideate

With a solid background, brainstorming will help you go beyond the obvious solutions to come up with the right ones, and define the goals that will push you forward.

Step 4: Plan

Having a clear direction will help you progress toward your goals and avoid frustration.

Step 5: Test

Assessing your progress as you go will be key to ensuring your plan is working - or to see what needs more adjusting.

Step 6: Iterate

Plans often don’t go as expected. You can always learn and adapt to what suits you best. Design is an iterative process.

And voilà, introducing Marino's Bullet Journal

We materialised it into a beautiful journal to gift our clients this New Year. We are thrilled they loved it!

"We have lovely Marino diaries now so already it's a good year!"

Get yours today

We really believe this approach can be so helpful for you to set and stick to your resolutions. We prepared a downloadable version for all of you who might need an extra boost in setting your New Year goals:

"I’m looking forward to using it throughout the year. The booklet is a nice touch, lots of detail but light enough to get through it."

Let our gift be the journey to a most purposeful and constructive 2020! 

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